individual & family health insurance

Shop for Individual Health Insurance through Nevada Health Link

What is Nevada Health Link?

The Nevada Health Link website was created by the state agency, the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, to help Nevadans find an affordable health insurance plan that fits their needs and budget. Through Nevada Health Link individuals can shop for, compare, and purchase qualified health insurance plans with tax credits or subsidies that are based on income.

Health Insurance is still a necessity.

Dental and Vision Insurance

  • Someone in the United States files for bankruptcy every 30 seconds

    as a result of a serious health problem as a result of a serious health problem. This of course does not just affect those without health insurance, but also includes those who are under-insured or whose plans have high deductibles and high out-of-pocket expenses which they simply cannot afford to meet.

  • 50 percent of all bankruptcies are caused in part by medical bills

    and the average out-of-pocket medical bill debt for people filing for bankruptcy is now $12,000.

  • Manage your oral health better with regular dental check-ups

    Did you know that your dentist can detect up to 120 symptoms of different diseases, including diabetes and heart disease? Early detection of certain diseases, like diabetes, has proven to be one of the best ways to prevent further complications.

  • Ongoing eye exams

    Vision insurance is designed to help you cover and budget for ongoing vision care expenses like routine eye exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses.

Ready to apply?

Select the provider link below to get started


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